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DFE Successfully Participated in the 2021 National Conference for Electricity Distribution Network Intelligent Control Technology
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The 2021 National Conference for Electricity Distribution Network Intelligent Control Technology was grandly opened in Dongshan Hotel on April 28th, sponsored by the Science and Technology Development Service Center of the China Electricity Council (CEC) and the Expert Committee of Distribution Network Dispatching Control Operation, co-organized by State Grid Shandong Electric Power Company and State Grid Yantai Power Supply Company, undertaken by Dongfang Electronics Corporation, and Yantai Haiyi Software Co., Ltd. under DFE.

Themed at Intelligent Disptaching for Better Future, the Conference was attended by more than 450 people from the distribution network dispatching control centers, scientific research institutes, universities, and distribution network equipment manufacturers from all provinces, prefectures (cities) and districts, including the State Grid and China Southern Power Grid, who made in-depth discussions mainly on how to further improve the level of intelligent control of the distribution network, improve the integrated construction of distribution network control system, and promote the application and exchanges & cooperation of new technologies in the control and operation of the distribution network.

Opening Ceremony·Speech

        Yang Hengkun, the DFE party secretary, chairman and general manager attended the conference and delivered a speech, on behalf of 6,800 DFE employees, extending a warm welcome to all the guests who came to Yantai, and expressing his most heartfelt thanks to all relevant parties who have always helped and supported DFE.

Yang Hengkun proposed, with the rapid development of technology and the transformation and upgrading of power grids, distribution network is further becoming automated with continuous improving level of intelligent regulation. As the first non-state-owned manufacturer to conduct business of power system automation in China, DFE provides power companies with "integrated power distribution" user solutions through "automation + IT + Internet + energy saving and environmental protection", with its business coverage on the entire chain of the distribution network and abundant products, some of its technologies have been already at the world's leading level. Yang Hengkun introduced to the guests the status of key technology research and demonstration project for power distribution & using system in the industrial park for multiple user interaction, which is a national key special project that DFE participates and is responsible for. DFE will focus on what customers need, change its business as demand, innovate with precision, accelerate the strategic transformation to "industrial control, industrial software, industrial IT, and industrial Internet", thereby creating a primary and secondary integrated industrial chain, contributing its technology and strength in promoting China’s energy consumption transformation and low-carbon economic and green growth, helping achieve the national peak carbon dioxide emissions and carbon neutral strategic goals.

Keynote report

▲At the exchange event, Yu Yixin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, gave a keynote speech titled "Layered and Clustered Grid System Structure". The report demonstrates the concept of "layered and clustered grid structure " from three perspectives: the expansion of the interconnected system balance area paradigm, the mathematical foundation of the laminar flow structure, and the intelligence of the Internet, which may provide valuable new insights and new methods for the modernized planning, design and operation of the power grid. 

▲ Zhou Fuqiu, a researcher from the Energy Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, delivered a keynote report entitled "Energy and Electricity Green Transition Prospects under the Dual-Carbon Goal" 

▲Zhou Ji, the director of the National Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center of State Grid, gave a keynote report titled "Thinking on New Active Distribution Network Dispatching Management" 

▲He Xiqi, the director of the Power Dispatching and Control Center of China Southern Power Grid, delivered a keynote report titled "Planning for Regulation and Operation of China Southern Power Grid Distribution Network during the Fourteenth Five-Year Plan".

▲Dai Hongwei, the DFE chief engineer, gave a keynote report titled "Research and Practice of Coordinated Control Technology for Multiple Distribution Networks". Dai Hongwei proposed that the flexible control cloud platform based on cloud native technology developed and constructed by DFE is capable of effectively accessing and monitoring massive comprehensive energy information, and providing an open application service development environment in the form of microservices. The collaborative cooperation of application services, such as multi-distribution network robots, dispatching robots, virtual power plant management and control, load aggregation management and demand response, developed based on this platform, can realize the coordinated and optimized dispatch of multi-distribution networks with higher application value .

▲Wu Wenchuan, a professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering of Tsinghua University, gave a keynote speech titled "Active Distribution Network Energy Management and Virtual Power Plant Intelligent Control"

▲Yuan Sen, the director of Shandong Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center of State Grid, gave a keynote report titled "Research and Demonstration of Flexible Control Technology in Distribution and Transforming District"

▲Sun Shumin, the chief expert of Shandong Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid, gave a keynote report titled "Impact of Distributed Power and Electric Vehicle Access on Distribution Network"

▲Wu Longteng from Guangdong Power Dispatching and Control Center gave a keynote report titled "Research and Application of Distribution Network Operation Analysis Auxiliary System"

▲Wang Qiongyue, from Sichuan Electric Power Dispatching and Control Center of State Grid, gave a keynote report titled "Sichuan Cascade Hydropower Joint Optimal Dispatching Operation Management"

▲Yu Yang, the product manager of Haiyi Software, gave a keynote report titled "Distribution Network Operation Management Support Technology and Future Prospects in the New Situation".

Parallel Forum

On the morning of the 29th, the two parallel forums, themed at "Distribution Network Dispatching Forum under Dual Carbon Goals" and "Artificial Intelligence Application Forum of Distribution Network Regulation" were held at the same time, which are hosted respectively by Xu Xiaochun, a senior expert from State Grid Huai'an Power Supply Company, and Huang Weijie, Jiangmen Power Supply Bureau of Guangdong Power Grid, presenting the reports from the experts with rich connotation and highlights.

Visit to DFE

WISDOM Digital Intelligence Industrial Park to experience the application scenarios and production processes of the company's products on the spot, and to gain an in-depth understanding of DFE' corporate culture and advanced mode. Fang Zhengji, general manager of DFE and other top officers accompanied the customers to visit the company.

▲Fang Zhengji, general manager of DFE, welcomed the visitors 

Fang Zhengji accompanied guests to visit the experimental exhibition center

▲Visited the DFE showroom

▲Visited WISDOM Digital Intelligence Industrial Park

▲Visited the WISDOM showroom

Through this conference, DFE has demonstrated its software and hardware capabilities in an all-round way, listened to the voice of customers, laid a good foundation for the next market expansion and technology research & development, thereby contributed to the construction of a new power system based on new energy under the dual-carbon goal.